Identity Theft Protection

Worried about personal data falling into the wrong hands? It's time to put your foot down and fight fraud.


ID Theft Protection for $3 a month. That's a real steal.

几乎每次你打开电视新闻或上网,你都会听到有关数据泄露的消息. 坏人通过盗用像你这样的人的身份大赚了一笔, draining their accounts and damaging their credit rating. Now you can fight back. For just $3 a month, Arbor Financial通过ID保护和全面身份监控为家庭提供全天候保护.



借记 and credit card registration


Total Identity Monitoring提供超过1的连续监控,000 databases including credit, Social Security, public records, real estate records and telephone inquiries; if your risk is rated at medium or high, you will be immediately notified

信用文件监控提供监控和自动警报的关键变化,以您的益百利, Equifax and TransUnion credit reports




登录到 使用您的访问码注册并使用IDProtect提供的福利


**由美国保险集团(AIG) Inc .的保险公司子公司或附属公司承保的身份盗窃保险. 此处的描述是摘要,仅供参考,不包括所有术语, conditions and exclusions of the policies described. 有关条款、条件及承保范围除外事项,请以实际保险单为准. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions.

IDProtect服务是为个人支票账户持有人提供的个人身份盗窃保护服务, their joint account owners and their eligible family members. 该服务适用于非上市企业及其在该账户上列出的企业所有者及其符合条件的家庭成员(不适用于非所有者的员工或授权签署人)。. 非帐户所有者的帐户上的“签名者”不可使用服务. Service is not available to clubs, organizations and/or churches and their members, schools and their employees/students. For revocable grantor trusts, 这项服务只适用于设保人担任受托人的情况,并涵盖设保人、受托人及其合资格的家庭成员. For all other fiduciary accounts, the service covers the beneficiary, who must be the primary member, and their eligible family members (Fiduciary is not covered). Family includes: Spouse, persons qualifying as domestic partner, 25岁以下的子女和帐户持有人的父母是同一家庭的居民.